On Dec 15, 2007 9:38 AM, Nagy Gabor <ngaba@bibl.u-szeged.hu> wrote:
So how can we "predict" the future? A possible solution (from crazy@FW) we use foo<2.0 dependency of bar, which indicates that only foo 1.x dependency is expected to work with bar. For example, then the packager can add both foo>=1.3 and foo<1.4 dependencies to his bar 1.3 package (foo 1.4 may work, but probably won't). And this will prevent users from upgrading foo 1.3 to foo 1.4 without dependency break (see the confusing audacious example above: audacious-plugins 1.3.5 is not expected to work with audacious-player 1.4.x).
This seems a _tad_ overboard to me. I mean, this is only going to be necessary on a handful of packages, and even then, using a '=' compare should be sufficient to solve this at the time of packaging. That said, if someone wants to add in support for > and < comparators, I wouldn't complain. It just sounds like "feature creep" to me - it's solving a problem no one encounters on a day to day basis.