On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Dan McGee wrote:
On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 1:04 AM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Hi all,
I am starting to write a test suite for makepkg. Hopefully this will make it more difficult to break things in the future...
I have written a brief outline of how I have started implementing this here: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/User:Allan/Makepkg_Test_Suite
I realize that most issues with the implementation will be discovered as it goes on but any comments at this stage would be useful.
Any forward progress on this? Don't want to rush you, but haven't heard anything lately on this front.
On a side note, I wonder if this is one of those "I'm new to pacman development how can I help" type projects- obviously it is a big task, but having a few people hacking and getting this working would be sweet.
I have written the .PKGINFO parser (posted on this list a while ago) and made a rough start on the PKGBUILD parser. And I have one test case (absolutely minimum PKGBUILD).
I'm still not sure what the test suite should look like in terms of the way to convey information about the test (see the example I gave on the wiki page). And since I have received a total of zero comments on that, everything has stalled in favour of me fixing other things.
One naive thought is to just have a PKGBUILD+ format. This would entail a semi-normal PKGBUILD, that also had some sort of makepkg_test() function defined. The test harness would source the PKGBUILD (and thus get a side benefit of knowing the pkgname, pkgver, etc. variables) and then would invoke the makepkg_test() function, which would be responsible for invoking makepkg with whatever options, and verifying the output code, produced files, etc. as necessary. Two thoughts: * There would be a defined $MAKEPKG_OPTS that would always get included in the makepkg calls made by the test function, to ensure things like the config file location were set. * Each test PKGBUILD could have multiple makepkg_test_XXX() functions defined; we could find all of these via $(declare -F) or something. * The test harness could predefine some super-helpful check functions so we aren't reinventing the wheel -Dan pkgname=foobar pkgver=1.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Basic tests" arch=('any') build() { touch $srcdir/foobar } package() { cd $pkgdir mkdir -p usr/local/ touch usr/local/omgtest cp $srcdir/foobar usr/local/foobar } makepkg_test_files_exist() { makepkg $MAKEPKG_OPTS file_exists usr/local/omgtest file_exists usr/local/foobar }