On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Xavier wrote:
This is probably the patch that requires the most careful review (compared to the other 4), so it would be highly appreciated.
OK. I will pull your patches into a git branch to remind myself to go through these in a lot of detail sometime in the next week or so. Do you have a git home now that Dan moved his server or do I need to apply them from the mailing list? shining.toofishes.net does not seem to exist anymore.
I reworked and splitted this big repo-add patch in 4 patches : 0001-repo-add-print-warning-if-same-version-already-exis.patch 0004-repo-add.sh.in-repo-remove-improvements.patch 0005-repo-add-drop-delta-support-to-rewrite-it-from-scr.patch 0006-repo-add-rewrite-delta-support.patch I also added two patches : 0002-repo-add-fail-early-if-repo-can-not-be-created.patch 0003-repo-add-cleanup.patch These 6 patches are on my repoadd branch, I will send them to the list for review :)