On 3/1/07, VMiklos <vmiklos@frugalware.org> wrote:
Na Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 01:12:49PM +0100, Nagy Gabor <ngaba@petra.hos.u-szeged.hu> pisal(a):
Because in the current state of the db backend this is totally useless
see http://frugalware.org/pipermail/frugalware-devel/2007-February/003092.html
I agree 100%. The current backend isn't *totally useless*. Sure it has it's share of problems, but it can be improved without the use of massive amounts of cache files as suggested above. The only potential cache I thought of using, would be a cache of names and descriptions for each repo... call it a "search cache". However, that'd only speed up searching. The real solution is to change / tweak the actual implementation on disk. Perhaps I'll take the nod from VMiklos and actually change all the package functions tonight, as it appears it's a much larger improvement (and thus much more valuable) than I expected.