On Sun, Aug 03, 2008 at 10:00:40PM -0500, Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Instead of using our "binaries" in our calls to pactest and vercmptest, use the libtool linked ones. We need to ensure they are created by calling the scripts once, and from there we can use them directly. This has some pretty large benefits due to much reduced forking of processes.
Note: I am not sure this will work on all platforms, namely Cygwin. Further testing is necessary.
The other problem is IMHO that lt-pacman will use the system-wide libalpm, which is not what you want when you use make check. If you really want such a hack, then you should set LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly, but what about just using dolt from http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=dolt.git;a=summary ? IIRC it worked fine with pacman-g2, so it'll be OK with pacman as well, I guess.