On 5/30/07, Andrew Fyfe <andrew@neptune-one.net> wrote:
Dan McGee wrote:
On 5/30/07, Andrew Fyfe <andrew@neptune-one.net> wrote:
Ok I've pushed the patch onto my working branch, along with the clean up of scripts/abs.
Still on the back burner; not sure if we want to make all of these changes yet. I don't know if error codes are truely necessary in such a small script; I might take the spirit of your patch and do a simple cleanup of abs.
xdelta: This contains Dale Ogilvie binary diff patch (http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=22872). I believe Aaron is looking into this.
Aaron just pushed this tonight as well.
There's also 3 new patches for makepkg from Dag Odenhall on flyspray, I've put the on my working branch with the other makepkg cleanup changes.
http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/7314 http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/7316 http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/7317
I pulled all three of these to my tree (mostly cherry-picks) and made only minor modifications, but they are all there. -Dan