"Tobias Eriksson" <tobier@tobier.se> wrote:
Please add "file" to that list and please don't tell me to submit a patch or file a bug report for something that trivial. There's enough pointless bureaucracy in the world as is.
This is how open source development is done. If you want something fixed then either submit a bug report or fix problem yourself with a patch. If you don't like it... too bad for you.
Whoever needs to see this has or will see it. There is no reason to jump through extra hoops. It's like someone telling you that you left your headlights on, and you respond with "send me an email about it". In this case, asking for a patch that adds a single word to a comment is silly, and I would still have to submit the patch to someone for it to be applied, which would actually require more work than simply changing that line in the first place. Chanting the "submit a patch" mantra without regard for context seems to be a consequence of long-term development and concomitant apathy. If you don't want to fix it, then don't.