Hello! I noticed that PKGBUILD supports a 'changelog=' field to specify a file that contains release notes for that package and this is query-able via 'pacman -Qc <package>'. A lot of software these days maintain a CHANGELOG.md or NEWS file that keeps track of notable changes across versions (including pacman). Would it be possible for the PKGBUILD to allow users to specify a file to set for 'changelog=' relative to $srcdir? Of all the packages installed on my system, only 'terraform' and 'powertop' have a changelog set. This change would make it extremely trivial for package maintainers to specify a changelog file if one exists for a project. I think it would be a nice QoL win for Arch users if more packages took advantage of this feature. Let me know if there's an official RFC process for changes! I was not able to find any evidence of one. Hong