On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Allan McRae <mcrae_allan@hotmail.com> wrote:
--source = -S --noconfirm = -n --noprogressbar = -N --holdver = -H --forcever = ? --asroot = ?
Hmmm, --forcever needs to be added to the usage function, which leads me to suspect possibly the man page too but I haven't checked. I have put tidying this up in my TODO list but I will wait until the shortened versions are fully chosen.
We could use -O for --asroot because root tends to have user id 0. Entirely obscure but it is the best I can come up with. We can use -F for --forcever and the INFAKEROOT option is only used internally to makepkg and thus can use a slightly more obscure abbreviation.
Ah maybe that is why I originally skipped --forcever. It is internal option as well, so no usage function / no man page : #hidden opt used by fakeroot call for svn/cvs/etc PKGBUILDs to set pkgver --forcever) shift; FORCE_VER=$1;; But I believe we still need to find a shortopt for it. It can be obscure so it should be easy. I guess we could use -O for --asroot. It isn't a big deal, that option is not recommended anyway.