On 02/10/13 10:55, Jeremy Heiner wrote:
First, the /home question...
Everything under an unmanaged dir is guaranteed(*) also to be unmanaged. So only the immediate contents of /home would be listed. That's actually one of the mistakes the shell script makes: it runs find, so it could potentially waste a lot of time digging deep into the filesystem. My scala prototype only ever examines the contents of managed dirs. That is all that's needed to answer the question "where is all the unmanaged stuff on my filesystem?".
(*) Actually the approach works even if this is relaxed (i.e. managed items within unmanaged dirs). My prototype examine all dirs containing managed items and all parents of all such dirs - still way fewer than find would.
My thoughts on the output are still nebulous. But I'm envisioning something like `ls -l`...
The "-rwx" part would indicate status. The first letter could be 'p' (or '-') to indicate managed (or not). Next maybe 'f' (or '-') if it exists in the filesystem (or not), and an 'm' if there is an mtree signature. Then one letter for each of the mtree tests: Uid, Gid, Mode, Time, Kind, Link, Size, ... where the capital letter indicates failure and '-' indicates success. I'm sure I'll remember more to add later.
The next column (like "size" for ls) could show the number of packages claiming ownership. My prototype actually lists all the owners instead of just counting, but that's maybe a "-verbose" option. I include the count because a 1 here is boring so you want a way to filter those entries out.
Add the item name at the end and you get:
pf-------- 94 /etc/ pfm------- 1 /etc/arch-release -f-------- 0 /etc/crackdict pfm---T--- 1 /etc/crypttab -f-------- 0 /etc/group- p--------- 1 /etc/motd
Something along those lines. The unit tests for -Qk and -Qkk are almost ready to go, but real life stuff keeps interrupting... tomorrow, I hope.
I am very against that style of output. I want it to be clear what the change is without having to decipher a code. Allan