On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 11:15 PM, Dave Reisner <d@falconindy.com> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 01:26:57PM +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
2) Change fakedb to FAKEDB? Capitals seem the way to go. Should we also get a PAC/PACMAN in there? FAKEPACDB?
As long as we're bikeshedding, I vote to avoid the capitalized variable names wherever possible, as they should be reserved for system variables set by external processes or your shell. Well, considering you can set 'fakedb' in the environment before you call this program, doesn't this follow that very rule? I've never seen another program look at a lowercase environment variable before. man git, s/ENVIRONMENT for several of the ones I'm thinking of.
Why not just use the program name prefix as is the usual convention and go with CHECKUPDATES_DATABASE?
3) I'd also change .localsync to something more descriptive. .pacmansync? .pacdb?
Agree, but I'll also add: please do not hide this with a leading dot. There's no reason to.
Especially not in /tmp/, thats just annoying. And this is totally broken- you can't try to segregate by $USER in a subdirectory as the first person to create .localsync wins. Just create a single top-level directory, 'checkupdates-${USER}/' or something.
Anyway, as I said, mostly bikeshed worthy stuff here. Create a git format patch, remembering to add the entries to Makefile.am and .gitignore in the contrib/ directory
Finally, noticing the `rm -f db.lck` bit- please tell me that isn't necessary? -Dan