Hi! It has been a looong time since I last posted here (or even read the list), so please forgive me if this is a known issue. I have a VPS on Linode and they have a tool called LISH which is a minimal environment that is accessible via logging in via ssh on the _host_. There is a screen session that shows the output from /dev/hvc0 (which is hardware tty in Xen), so you can access your system even if you locked yourself from accessing it via ssh. When doing pacman -Qi in that screen session I get corrupted output like this: <some text from the top of the host's tty buffer goes here first> Feb 2010 12:14:18 AM UTC Install Date : Sun 14 Feb 2010 02:21:13 PM UTC Install Reason : Explicitly installed Install Script : Yes Description : Utility programs used for creating patch files This happens only when doing -Qi. Any ideas about this? And if it's a known issue - how to fix it? -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)