On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
On 14/04/10 18:52, Christophe Chapuis wrote:
Hello all,
I just added an option to pactree, in order to look for reversed dependancies of a package instead of the normal dependancies.
So a tree created from the "Required By" output of pacman -Qi?
The other way around: it looks for packages that depend on the current package, recursively. It uses the existing functions of the pactree script for doing that, so the modification is quite minor.
I already sent
a mail to carlocci, who was the initial developper of this script, but as he doesn't answer I wonder if I should contact someone else. So, what should I do with this little patch? Attach it here in the mailing list?
You can send it here. Inline is preferable to attached as that makes commenting easier.
Here it comes (output of a simple diff command): -----snip---- 44c44 < readonly prog_ver="0.2" ---
readonly prog_ver="0.2.1" 56a57 echo " -r, --reversed Show reversed dependancies" 61c62 < echo "Example: $prog_name -c -d 2 readline"
echo "Example: $prog_name -c -d2 readline"
143c144,153 < for dep_pkg in $(_grabfield "$pkg_dir/depends" %DEPENDS%); do ---
if [ $reversed_dep -eq 1 ]; then reqs_pkg_dir="$(_finddep "$pkg_name" %DEPENDS% depends)" unset deps_pkg for req_pkg_dir in $reqs_pkg_dir; do deps_pkg=$(echo "$deps_pkg" "$(_grabfield "$req_pkg_dir/desc"
done else deps_pkg="$(_grabfield "$pkg_dir/depends" %DEPENDS%)" fi for dep_pkg in $deps_pkg; do
if [ "${options[$n]}" = "-r" -o "${options[$n]}" = "--reversed" ]; then unset options[$n] reversed_dep=1 continue fi
reversed_dep=${reversed_dep:-0} 296c313,319 < echo -e "digraph G { START [color=$start_color, style=filled];\n node [style=filled, color=$nodes_color];\n$(_main)\n$advert}" | dot -T$gformat -o "${root_pkgs// /_}.deps.$gformat"
if [ $reversed_dep -eq 1 ]; then file_extension="reqs.$gformat" else file_extension="deps.$gformat" fi
echo -e "digraph G { START [color=$start_color, style=filled];\n node [style=filled, color=$nodes_color];\n$(_main)\n$advert}" | dot -T$gformat -o "${root_pkgs// /_}.$file_extension" -----snip----