Hi! Some things I noticed after my previous buggy patch: 1. After -h there are [package], <package> and <file> in many places, however [packages], <packages> and <files> would be better in most cases, so you should check and correct these. 2. I misled you by suggesting "-s <regex>" to -h. This very informative; however to be more precise, [package] (which should be [packages], see 1.; or [packages|regexes], huh ?:-) {which is in the first line (after -Sh or -Qh)} is treated as regex and this should be somehow described in the description of -s. Sorry for misleading :-( 3. Only "op" parameters are mutual now. Of course in many cases the "sub" parameters of the "op" parameters are not mutual; but after "pacman -Qls foo" not defined what will happen. I don't really care about this (I don't really like getopt either; and users are expected to use switches after thinking .-), I just warn you, that this command line is accepted now: "pacman -y foo -l -Q -s foo2" and not defined what will happen (<-Note: -y is not allowed after -Q, but accepted because allowed after -S) Bye, Nagy Gabor