On Mon, Jul 04, 2011 at 06:43:47PM +0200, seblu@seblu.net wrote:
I would add a new feature in makepkg, which allow downloading of git/hg/cvs/etc content directly by makepkg. This feature can be great for packages in AUR. We have a lot of -git packages which can use this to escape to do it manually each time.
Wouldn't this just be extending the already in place functionality that we have for source retrieval? Why would this be a separate feature?
I looked over the code and there is a design choice to make. Currently sources url is [filename::]http://toto. If we want to know which kind of url is (regular / git / hg) we need to have this information in PKGBUILD because git can download from http/ftp/git protocol.
We can have many array in PKGBUILD as source=("http://toto") gitsouce=("git://toto.git) hgsource=("http://otot.hg)
or have a more complex url syntax like [type:::][filename::]http://toto where type can be git/hg/cvs/etc.
What do you think?
I'm more in favor of reusing the variables already in place and not inventing more VCS specific vars. That said, I think data storage and retreival is one of the least pressing issues in implementing this. Whether you iterate over an array and assign, or iterate over another array, parse and assign is trivial -- we can decide on that once the rest of it is done. In other words, a lack of a decision here shouldn't stop you. Pick something and go with it. dave