I personally think -Su and -Qu (and their libalpm counterparts) should return the same list of packages to be installed, whether or not they are upgrades or pulled in deps. What is the disadvantage to this? -Qu was meant to be an alternative to canceling an -Su just because you wanted to see what needs upgrading.
-Dan Why do we need an alternative to cancelling -Su? ;-) As Xavier noted, -Su needs some user interaction, so -Qu cannot figure out what user would answer to pacman's questions (however, it can assume some default answers). Personally, I like the "outdated packages" meaning, so I would prefer that -Qu would act as a localdb/targetlist filter, like -Qt, -Qd, -Qe (so we don't need installed size information etc., but user can also use other command-line switches). Bye, ngaba
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