On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 6:38 PM, Chris Bannister <c.bannister@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey guys.
So before you ignore this as another "Where is package singing?" thread, I would like to help. Im a CS student just finished my first year with a decent understanding of C with a background of educated C++ (Uni forced me to learn this). I want to at least help get gpg signing into a usable testable state, but looking through the git project I cant really find where to start and what needs doing to get up to a working state.
Sorry if this comes up a lot on the mailing list a lot, I just subscribed to it, been on the general/dev list for a while.
Hi, Chris. Welcome the the fun. I have already a prototype and it has been published in this list some days ago. Please, see the archives of this month to get a grasp of the situation and give your feedback. When the devs start to give their opinions, you can volunteer on a specific part you would like to help. You can also help the discussions, if you want. -- A: Because it obfuscates the reading. Q: Why is top posting so bad? ------------------------------------------- Denis A. Altoe Falqueto -------------------------------------------