On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 5:33 AM, Laszlo Papp <djszapi2@gmail.com> wrote:
opendir(path)) == (DIR *)-1 is maybe the result of miss understanding of the man page, if the opendir wasn't successful it gives back NULL instead of '(DIR *)-1'.
The ambiguity while cycle with EINTR condition was refactored for a do {} while () cycle to be easier to read/understand
The 'errno == EINTR' condition examinations were changed for 'pm_errno == EINTR' in the api, in trans.c and util.c, where the do {} while {} changings happened too.
What the heck? Do you understand C and the standard API or are you just doing blind "make it look good" patches? the open() *system* function will never ever EVER set pm_errno. I'm so confused what you are trying to do there... -Dan