29 Mar
29 Mar
6:45 p.m.
On 10:46 Wed 28 Mar , Aaron Griffin wrote:
Looks like it's time to move towards a 3.1 release. Dan and I both have a lot of items listed in our TODO lists, though most of them are code changes (doesn't affect the end user much).
So I'd like to open the floor up for ideas - what *functional* changes interest you all, as a user of pacman?
What about changing the /etc/pacman.d/* design? ( http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=239378 ) Actually to change mirror you have to edit 5/6 files, a simpler solution would be appreciated. Cheers, -- Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino Arch Linux Trusted User http://www.archlinux.org