14 Apr
14 Apr
3:36 p.m.
I am pleased to announce the SUU Arch Linux repository, this server is not only mirroring Arch, but it is running it as well, please add us to the repository and mirror lists lists for pacman. We have set up a full mirror so there are iso downloads as well. [testing] ftp://locke.suu.edu/linux/dist/archlinux/current/os/i686 [current] Server = ftp://locke.suu.edu/linux/dist/archlinux/current/os/i686 [extra] Server = ftp://locke.suu.edu/linux/dist/archlinux/extra/os/i686 [unstable] Server = ftp://locke.suu.edu/linux/dist/archlinux/unstable/os/i686 [community] Server = ftp://locke.suu.edu/linux/dist/archlinux/community/os/i686 and for x86_64 of course! -Thomas S Hatch Southern Utah University