2006/12/9, Dan McGee <dpmcgee@gmail.com>:
Shouldn't [unstable] be before community, current and extra by default? ;-/
People might get a bit too eager and uncomment the repo and run a pacman -Syu, only to be on the forums five minutes later asking why something doesn't work right. If you leave it below, they will have to either purposely install something from unstable (e.g. by a 'pacman -S unstable/nvidia') or read up enough to realize that if they prefer packages from unstable, they will need to move the repo up in the list. I personally have testing and unstable uncommented but below current and extra, so I can pick what packages I want to install from these repositories and not be left with an unusable machine.
Ah, I've forgot about these issues. You are right. -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)