29 May
29 May
9:43 p.m.
On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 12:23:30PM +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
On 30/05/13 12:13, William Giokas wrote:
Just one thing. Replace this with:
local oldfilename="$(awk '/%FILENAME%/ {getline; print}')"
Yeah, the quotes aren't that important, but this way you save spawning a tail process when you could just do it with this. (I just had to do this to get pkgbase entries from db's in one of my pet scripts, so yeah)
Note that line is cpoy-paste from just above. My bet is a bunch of such improvements could be made.
I know how I'm going to spend the next few days, then. -- William Giokas | KaiSforza GnuPG Key: 0x73CD09CF Fingerprint: F73F 50EF BBE2 9846 8306 E6B8 6902 06D8 73CD 09CF