22 Jul
22 Jul
6:27 p.m.
OMG. That part is totally unrelated here, but it makes our fileconflict003.py pass (due to its "bug");-). Obviously that won't solve our problem (unfortunately).
typo: fileconflict004.py For example, this will fail: ---------------------------- self.description = "foo" p1 = pmpkg("pkg1", "1.0-1") p1.files = ["test/", "test/file1"] self.addpkg2db("local", p1) p2 = pmpkg("pkg2") p2.files = ["test/file2"] self.addpkg2db("local", p2) p3 = pmpkg("pkg1", "2.0-1") p3.files = ["test2/", "test2/file3", "test -> test2"] self.addpkg2db("sync", p3) self.args = "-S pkg1" self.addrule("PACMAN_RETCODE=1")