On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 8:39 PM, Dan McGee <dpmcgee@gmail.com> wrote:
It is time for a major release; we've had a bunch of stuff baking in master for a while that should get out to the masses. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman_Roadmap
Trying to make this actually happen. Just narrowed the list down hopefully to the following issues:
* Local database sanity check- ensure we are operating on an updated pacman database. I will have a potential patch for this shortly. WIP patch on the list, it should do the job.
* Translation doings. We need to get Transifex updated a tad now that they have changed the way things work on their end, and make sure we can handle everything through their interface. If anyone wants to head this up, please let me know. This is *not* a call for translations. I think we can proceed now that http://trac.transifex.org/ticket/683 has been fixed. Our translators will either need to use the web interface (which will be tricky for some of the fixed-width strings) or use transifex-client-hg (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=45787) from the AUR. I will be checking in the .tx/* configuration to make this possible.