Am Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:35:22 -0600 schrieb "Aaron Griffin" <>:
On 2/12/07, Andreas Radke <> wrote:
Here are the changes I had to add to the latest PKGBUILD (12022007) to make it build the way I want to have it:
sed -i "s|k8|x86_64|g" sed -i "s|i686|x86_64|g" etc/
before ./
Fixed in CVS.
Works well now!
sed -i 21d $startdir/pkg/etc/makepkg3.conf sed -i 23,25d $startdir/pkg/etc/makepkg3.conf
What are these removing? The line numbers seem like nothing here.
obsolete now with the new mcpu/march explenation, only "#-- Exclusive: will only run on x86-64" is not very clear on my architecture as x86-64 is the base and k8/nocona/core2... are the eclusive archs.
sed -i "s|CURRENT|CURRENT-64|g" $startdir/pkg/etc/abs3/supfile.arch sed -i "s|CURRENT|CURRENT-64|g" $startdir/pkg/etc/abs3/supfile.extra sed -i "s|CURRENT|CURRENT-64|g" $startdir/pkg/etc/abs3/ sed -i "s|TESTING|TESTING-64|g" $startdir/pkg/etc/abs3/supfile.testing sed -i "s|CURRENT|CURRENT-64|g" $startdir/pkg/etc/abs3/supfile.unstable
This is a simple sed, really, but if you can think of a fix that's simpler than just running sed, let me know.
Now the only change needed for x86_64 is to add this at the end of your PKGBUILD to fix our CVS tags: if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then sed -i "s|CURRENT|CURRENT-64|g" $startdir/pkg/etc/abs3/supfile.{arch,extra,community,unstable} sed -i "s|TESTING|TESTING-64|g" $startdir/pkg/etc/abs3/supfile.testing fi Remaining issues: makepkg3 cannot resolve my arch tag and the confict/replaces issue. I hope I won't find too much more. Nice work so far. Andy