It seems that the default rankmirrors output without opts is to show times. rankmirrors -f is the much more common output that people would want imo, where you actually get a formatted /etc/pacman.d file. So I'd suggest one of two things: 1. Have rankmirrors without opts output formatted mirrors and add a rankmirrors -t to show times, or 2. Combine the two such that you get formatted output and (commented out) times. a. the times could be appended at the bottom b. times could be appended to each line (if pacman can handle this? i haven't checked). So, option 2a would be: Server = Server = # Servers sorted by time: #1.59783601761 : #2.19922399521 : And 2b would be: Server = # 1.59783601761 sec Server = # 2.19922399521 sec I personally like 2b best. And finally, I don't think we need to go to the hundred billionths decimal place for seconds ;-) Scott