If a devel adds 'provision>=2.0-2' as depend, then this implicitly means
On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 07:28:01PM +0100, Nagy Gabor wrote: that
not "all" 'provision 2.0-x' version would satisfy this depend; and 'provision 2.0' says no info about -x...
Versioned dependencies with a release are a minority. So it's not a big deal. If you still aren't satisfied, could we please talk about real cases where this kind of dependency is used?
This is exactly what I said: So if you just write "provision 2.0-1" then the 1 release doesn't count at all: you could write "provision 2.0-3" or whatever release you want, that is not used in "real cases". As if you would have wrote "provision 2.0". But in the few cases where release is used, provision-release help us to decide. Of course I can accept releaseless provision versions, but then we should review alpm_versioncmp, because that is designed to work with _valid_ package versions (imho). This is what I didn't want to do (I'm lazy), and gave this (not) strict definition. Bye ---------------------------------------------------- SZTE Egyetemi Könyvtár - http://www.bibl.u-szeged.hu This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/