On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 10:47 AM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Xavier wrote:
+function. When specified in combination with the fakeroot BUILDENV option in +linkman:makepkg.conf[5], fakeroot usage will be limited to running the package() +function and the subsequent packing of the package. The build() function will be
Maybe it could be simplified a bit to just say : fakeroot usage will be limited to running the package() function.
But it is the package() and internal create_package functions that are run in the fakeroot.
I know, I was trying to think like an user simply looking at a PKGBUILD. I always see the build() function, now I know I can add an optional package() one which will be run under fakeroot so that build() can be run as an user. I might not care or think about the rest. Anyway, it is not a big deal. Your original documentation is still clear and simple enough, and it is more complete, so you can keep it as is if you prefer :)