On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 7:03 AM, Xavier <shiningxc@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 3:31 AM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
I took repo-add from the pacman package and one built from the latest git will all Xavier's patches and made a repo db from all packages in my cache (all of testing, core and extra, some community). There are a few differences (see http://dev.archlinux.org/~allan/repoadd-diff.txt). A summary of the differences:
A bunch of packages have the ARCH field removed: -%ARCH% -i686 Hmm, this I'm not sure about.
A few differences to do with quotes. e.g. -custom:INTEL537 +custom:"INTEL537" and +%DESC% +Efficient bit vector, set of integers and "big int" math library
Exactly. This was the exact description that brought about that other fix in the first place. You can't have your cake both ways.
This change is not so good... (k3b-i18n package) %DEPENDS% -k3b>=1.0.5-1 +k3b>=$pkgver
This happened in the makepkg stage, and I will bet a lot of money you will find the following in the PKGBUILD: depends=('k3b>=$pkgver') rather than depends=("k3b>=$pkgver")
(single vs. double quotes) The only thing we do differently now is actually respect the *entire* text string, so this variable is no longer (incorrectly) substituted.
You have a lot of packages in your cache :) I guess I had none of these so I didn't detect these issues. I am pretty sure all of them are related to that commit : http://projects.archlinux.org/?p=pacman.git;a=commitdiff;h=eb1775e485f732014...
The preservation of the quotes was actually the fix. Maybe there should be a guideline for licenses to not put quotes?
However I am not sure these are problems with repo-add, instead of problems with the PKGBUILDs / packages. About the ARCH issue, the first PKGBUILD I checked didnt even have a arch variable... I am curious to see how the package looks like. Same for k3b and its pkgver issue.