(alebolo@macinino):(2007.02.07 - 21:44:27):(~/arch-cvs/aur/enemy-territory) (130)(4237)$> makepkg3 ==> Entering fakeroot environment ==> Making package: enemy-territory 2.60b-6 (Wed Feb 7 21:44:32 CET 2007) ==> Checking Runtime Dependencies... error: unable to lock database ==> ERROR: pacman3 returned a fatal error. error: unable to lock database ==> ERROR: pacman3 returned a fatal error. ==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies... error: unable to lock database ==> ERROR: pacman3 returned a fatal error. ==> Retrieving Sources... -> Downloading et-linux-2.60.x86.run --21:44:32-- http://ftp.games.skynet.be/pub/wolfenstein/et-linux-2.60.x86.run => `et-linux-2.60.x86.run' Resolving ftp.games.skynet.be... Connecting to ftp.games.skynet.be||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content Length: 270,965,248 (258M), 270,167,400 (258M) remaining [text/plain] 0% [ ] 1,057,040 62.38K/s ETA 1:19:24/u