I sent my reply to Dan, but I wanted to send here (Dan: new 4. point;-).
I would like to get the release out in 7 days or so, so the sooner the better for the translations.
Wow. I bring up some thoughts here: 1. Some NEWS ideas. A. We should document API changes separated from other changes to help front-end writers. From my side I can recall 3 API changes: 8856146d71cb4cc512b0cf3414fbc231635822d3, d060e31be3586ce27382f80eaed7a9edf2c86aeb, 1fc83f4af6d827bf2e69c7a10e3d2010c9211974 (without deep investigation, alpm.h-diff should show almost everything). B. As user I would like to see new features separated from "memleak fixes" ;-). For example, new options: -Ru, --asexplicit, -S 'dep>=2.0' etc. 2. Xav said, that deltas are broken. Couldn't we move this out from alpm code, and using it XferCommand or whatever (or implement new "external helper", if needed)? 3. Front-ends should be able to free our new dynamic structs, e.g. pmdepmissing_t. 4. <flame> Revert vercmp code to 3.1 </flame> Bye