Thats nice... I have yet to see a proposal that could replace the current bash based PKGBUILDs with out loosing a great deal of the simplicity and flexibility of the PKGBUILD format. That includes the format you have proposed. Until this mythical format appears, the "lazyness" will continue as that is what the situation warrants.
The format that I've "proposed" is just an incomplete idea that comes from thinking out loud. Unfortunately, instead of getting useful feedback or starting any sort of reasonable discussion, the general response has been anything but constructive. I had hoped that others would contribute ideas and suggestions but unfortunately most people seem to have reached that level of complacency that they no longer have any inclination to think differently about something they've been doing one way for years, because "it just works". It's like dealing with a bunch of grumpy old men who just keep muttering "that'll never work" without trying to think of a way that it might. It's the same attitude that leads to the "submit a patch or else I won't even look at it" mantra. /snip I'll leave it at that before this becomes too contentious. Thanks for the reply.