On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 10:26:15PM +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
On 19/07/13 22:13, Martti Kühne wrote:
Will there be a way to search for hooks/list them and analyze collisions as well as essentially the same things with different whitespace?
Short answer, no. You will be able to list hooks using "ls" on the relevant directory.
I consider two hooks that do the same thing as being poor distribution packaging and is not an area for pacman to police.
+1 to this idea. The owner of the binary run in the hook should be the owner of the hook, and this shouldn't cause any overlap. Arch specific examples: - core/mkinitcpio will ship a hook to build initramfs images after kernels are touched - extra/vim will ship with a hook to run vimdoc after plugin install/removal - fontconfig, xorg-mkfontscale, and xorg-mkfontdir will ship with hooks to run the appropriate binaries post-font install/removal... I'm curious if you can think of a situation where this wouldn't work.... Granted, with the /lib + /etc hierarchy we're plotting to offer, there is a chance of overlap, but that's an admin misconfiguration, not a pacman issue and not a packaging issue.