Allan McRae pushed to branch master at Pacman / Pacman Commits: 15a23386 by Christoph Reiter at 2024-05-04T21:05:48+10:00 meson: use the custom meson provided intl dependency Let meson deal with the system differences instead of handling it manually. The custom dependency was added in meson 0.59, then gained static support with 0.60, and static support for cygwin with 0.61, which is why the meson requirement is bumped to 0.61. Debian bullseye ships meson 0.56, so switch to bookworm which has 1.0.1 - - - - - 2 changed files: - .gitlab-ci.yml - View it on GitLab: -- This project does not include diff previews in email notifications. View it on GitLab: You're receiving this email because of your account on