From 88c26a6e5902875f07ca7c842971619530fa5aa9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nagy Gabor <> Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 17:35:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Remove unused error codes and handle PM_ERR_RETRIEVE by alpm_strerror()
Signed-off-by: Nagy Gabor <> ---
First I started to work on When the server list is empty, user gets "unexpected error". It turned out that pacman returns with PM_ERR_RETRIEVE in this case, which was not handled by alpm_strerror(). A nice error message should be nice here ("Empty server-list for extra\n"), I will provide a patch for that soon. But. I found a complete mess with error codes in dload.c: 1. download_external() doesn't set any error code in the "/* download failed */" case. 2. sync.c override these error codes (to PM_ERR_RETRIEVE), be_files.c and fetch_pkgurl() is not. 3. It is not clear why we have PM_ERR_RETRIEVE, PM_ERR_LIBFETCH, PM_ERR_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD. alpm_errorlast() translates PM_ERR_LIBFETCH into fetchLastErrString which is very ugly imho. I don't know too much about libfetch error messages, but expect "connection timed out", "foo.tar.gz was not found" etc. These should be printed via alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR,...) not by creating a variable meaning error code. (I am not even sure, that pm_errno = PM_ERR_LIBFETCH is always set correctly, ie. after libfetch error.) So my vote is to introduce one error code for "download error" (PM_ERR_RETRIEVE), and print out these special errors via alpm_log(), or maybe keep PM_ERR_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD, but reserved for "error invoking external downloader". The problem is that I am not sure I completely understand our download code. :-) Opinions? Bye ------------------------------------------------------ SZTE Egyetemi Konyvtar - This message was sent using IMP: