13 Jun
13 Jun
11:46 a.m.
On 06/13/14 at 12:05am, Allan McRae wrote:
On 12/06/14 23:57, Andrew Gregory wrote:
The effect on MTREE file size is negligible and this provides a more reliable way to verify file ownership given that user/group ids are not standardized.
Being too lazy to check myself...
How does this work with packages like openlap which does this in the PKGBUILD:
chown root:439 "${pkgdir}"/etc/openldap/{slapd.{conf,ldif},DB_CONFIG.example}
and then creates the group in the install file:
groupadd -g 439 ldap &>/dev/null
Hrm, it looks like when the MTREE file globally sets a uname/gname and a user/group doesn't exist on the build machine those files will inherit the last one set, so that usage breaks this. apg