Hi! After killing pmsyncpkg_t, there is not much difference between -S and -U transactions. The only difference is that trans->packages come from pkgcache (-S) or they are loaded from file (-U). And of course, with -S we have an extra step, we have to actually download the packages. However, -U is much more "stupid" than -S atm. Now the removes field is attached to pmpkg_t, so we could implement FS#3492 without pain, the conflict resolving part from sync.c can be reused without any modification*. Or if we allow "mixed" trans->packages list (pkg->origin can indicate that we have a file[-U] or repo[-S] package), even the implementaion of FS#5798 should be also straightforward. The only difference between PKG_FROM_CACHE and PKG_FROM_FILE packages, that PKG_FROM_CACHE needs to be downloaded. Then -U would become a sync transaction (internally), and add_commit would be a helper function only. *: I started to work on the implementation of mixed target list, and I realised that the most annoying "difference" is that PKG_FROM_CACHE packages are not duplicated, so they are mustn't be freed (the new _alpm_pkg_free_trans should be used), but PKG_FROM_FILE packages must be freed. How much memory can we spare by not duplicating sync packages (not calling _alpm_pkg_dup when adding them to transaction target)? The whole base repo is <0.5 MB atm. Does this hack "worth"? With the old behaviour, implementing this idea (and so FS#3492 and FS#5798) would be really nice. With the new behaviour it would not. (And I don't really like the need for _alpm_pkg_free_trans neither.) Bye