2007/4/9, Dan McGee <dpmcgee@gmail.com>:
We have a rather ragtag set of cryptography functions in use right now, and weird files being used (md5driver? wtf). Looking around I came across these LGPLed hash libraries that we can probably use in pacman.
BeeCrypt- http://directory.fsf.org/security/crypt/BeeCrypt.html Documentation- http://beecrypt.sourceforge.net/doxygen/c/index.html
Any reason not to go for this? I haven't looked super closely but I think it would make sense to clean this up a bit in order to allow for any future extensibility we may want. These seem like cleanly written algorithms that we can drop in to our code base as they are LGPL.
Thoughts appreciated. Have to start cleaning somewhere.
Wow, this lib is exactly what I was looking for long time ago. Only useful algorithms, portable, and nice API. Looks very good candidate. -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)