Hi, after updating to pacman3 I cannot instal anything within a chroot environment. I allways get: error: could not prepare transaction error: failed to commit transaction (not enough space on disk) Wel, there is enough space on the disk, but pacman is not able to get the free space. I have the following devices mounted: mount --bind /dev /chroot/arch$1/dev mount --bind /dev/pts /chroot/arch$1/dev/pts mount --bind /dev/shm /chroot/arch$1/dev/shm mount -t proc none /chroot/arch$1/proc mount -t sysfs none /chroot/arch$1/sys Any ideas? pacman2 was working without any problems. Pierre -- Pierre Schmitz Clemens-August-Straße 76 53115 Bonn Telefon 0228 9716608 Mobil 0160 95269831 Jabber pierre@jabber.archlinux.de WWW http://www.archlinux.de