Hello, I still spend some time looking a bit curious at pacman. It's rather the way it's coded, than the current features it provides. I mean, it's using quite everything marked as "bad style" in most books, and alot of those things could actually be avoided (Macros, goto). The 2nd thing is: You've been talking (and mentioning) ALPM documentation. I personally dislike manpages for interface documentation. I rather think about a interface documentation using Doxygen or similar tools. I've documented about 3 projects, more than 50.000 lines of code using doxygen the past week, and must say i'm happy with the result. Especially for the public SOAP interface it's nice having it, but also for internal reference and new developers who need some description about the functions in the code. And, hands (and heads) down, the code itself (functions etc.) isn't well inline documented. The last, but not least thing: SOURCE releases of RCs / nightly CVS checkouts. I've always been thinking about daily source tarballs. I've been thinking about providing such a script on my own, but my current provider forbids to have a public server running (sad but true, with cable 6mbit in/out). Why so? I'm often somewhere around the world, because of my job (italy, germany, ...), where i often connect in other infrastructures. I've to use a proxy, not supporting CVS. Since i havn't much to do in the evenings there, i actually want to do something - but can't. I don't think i'm the only one who would like nightly source checkouts being provided "as tarball".