23 Jan
23 Jan
6:15 p.m.
On 1/23/07, Jürgen Hötzel <juergen@hoetzel.info> wrote:
Awesome. Much complexity just to guess right how the package maintainer wants to prepare the sources. This should be moved into a single function lookIntoTheCrystalBallAndExtractSources(). Not really KISS.
Not true. I added all of 3 lines to get this functionality. Considering "noextract" is a very rare case, I think this is fairly KISS in nature. All existing PKGBUILDs work the same way, add some noextract=(foo) entries and your files aren't extracted. I'm not entirely sure what you see as complex about that. Also, manual extraction is not very "KISS" either... if things are obvious, they should be handled in an obvious manner (extract a tar.gz file).