On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 2:10 AM, Allan McRae <mcrae_allan@hotmail.com> wrote:
# # Setting environmental variables # eval $(sed -nre 's:[[:space:]]*(DBPath)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[:print:]]*):\1="\2":p' /etc/pacman.conf) pac_db="${DBPath:-/var/lib/pacman/}/local" eval $(sed -nre 's:[[:space:]]*(CacheDir)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[:print:]]*):\1="\2":p' /etc/pacman.conf) pac_cache="${CacheDir:-/var/cache/pacman/pkg/}" pkg_name="$1" pkg_dir="$(echo $pac_db/$pkg_name-[0-9]*)" eval $(sed -nre 's:[[:space:]]*(CARCH)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[:print:]]*):\1=\2:p' /etc/makepkg.conf) pkg_arch=${CARCH:-'unknown'} eval $(sed -nre 's:[[:space:]]*(PKGDEST)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[:print:]]*):\1=\2:p' /etc/makepkg.conf) pkg_dest="${PKGDEST:-$PWD}" eval $(sed -nre 's:[[:space:]]*(PACKAGER)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[:print:]]*):\1=\2:p' /etc/makepkg.conf) pkg_pkger=${PACKAGER:-'Unknown Packager'} pkg_namver="${pkg_dir##*/}"
I don't like this complexity either, better revert to your awk way. I would suggest to not worry about spaces unless you find a clever and simple way to handle them.
if [ -n "$pac_cache" ] && [ -f "$pac_cache"/"$pkg_namver"*.tar.gz ] ; then echo Warning: the package ${pkg_name} already exists in your pacman cache # read -n 1 -p 'Do you want to fetch it instead? (y/N) ' # case $REPLY in # y|Y) # cp "$pac_cache"/"$pkg_namver"*.pkg.tar.gz "$pkg_dest" # exit 0 # ;; # *) echo "" # ;; # esac fi
You commented out this part on purpose? I don't find it useful either, just remove it :)
# # File copying # echo Copying package files...
cat "$pkg_dir"/files | while read i; do
pkg_size=$(du -sb | awk '{print $1}') done
Not only that var is not available outside the loop, it does not make any sense to put it inside anyway.
# desc %NAME%) echo "pkgname = $i" >> .PKGINFO ;; %VERSION%) echo "pkgver = $i" >> .PKGINFO ;; %DESC%) echo "pkgdesc = $i" >> .PKGINFO ;; %URL%) echo "url = $i" >> .PKGINFO ;; %LICENSE%) echo "license = $i" >> .PKGINFO ;; %ARCH%) echo "arch = $i" >> .PKGINFO ;; %BUILDDATE%) echo "builddate = $(date -u "+%s")" >> .PKGINFO ;; %PACKAGER%) echo "packager = $pkg_pkger" >> .PKGINFO ;; %SIZE%) echo "size = $pkg_size" >> .PKGINFO ;; %GROUPS%) echo "group = $i" >> .PKGINFO ;; %REPLACES%) echo "replaces = $i" >> .PKGINFO ;;
force belongs here, in desc section, just after replaces (and require indentation fix :)) :
%FORCE%) echo "force = true" >> .PKGINFO ;;
#rm -rf $work_dir
I thought you wanted to keep that.