On 08.06.2012 09:31, Aaron DeVore wrote:
I will be taking a university course in open source software development over the summer. We need to pick a project to work on during the course. Would adding utility functions to makepkg/PKGBUILDs be acceptable to Arch?
I think that doesn't really fit into pacman since pacman tries to be distro agnostic so it would make more sense to put it in some kind of library. Sadly, putting it in a per distro library will make sharing pkgbuilds harder. With those functions it would also be less obvious what a pkgbuild is doing and you can't run each step of the pkgbuild in a shell any more (which is quite handy when trying to debug build problems). If you want to do something that has great chance of being pulled in, take a look at the pacman roadmap [1]. Also join #archlinux-pacman before starting to work on something to check if other people might already have partial patches ready. [1]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman_Roadmap -- Florian Pritz