On 16/08/14 11:47, Dave Reisner wrote:
This implements support for declarations such as:
arch=('i686' 'x86_64') ...
source=("somescript.sh") source_i686=("http://evilmonster.com/i686/ponies-9001-1.i686.bin") source_x86_64=("http://evilmonster.com/i686/ponies-9001-1.x86_64.bin")
md5sums=('d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e') md5sums_i686=('e4ca381035a34b7a852184cc0dd89baa') md5sums_x86_64=('4019740e6998f30a3c534bac6a83f582')
Just the same as the "untagged" sources, multiple integrity algorithms are supported. The manpage is updated to reflect support for these suffices.
This commit also refactors download_sources slightly:
1) to use the otherwise preferred convention of lowercase local variable names, and to make the handling of $1 more clear. 2) rename the "fast" parameter to "novcs", to make it more clear what this token does. 3) add a new possible token "allarch" to ensure that download_sources will fetch all sources, for all architectures. --- foutrelis pointed out that 'makepkg -g' wouldn't attempt to download sources for all architectures. So, I've added some additional polish to download_sources to make it take several tokens, instead of just one. And, give the token "fast" a better name...
We really need some of these codepaths to converge sooner...