On Dec 3, 2007 4:47 AM, Nagy Gabor <ngaba@bibl.u-szeged.hu> wrote:
Well, the changelog between 3.0.x and 3.1 will be huge and impressive;-) There are some issues which annoy me a bit: -sync044.py (but this is only one thing: see http://www.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2007-September/009271.html for details) <- %REASON% is one of my favourite libalpm features, and now this is quite buggy :-( -FS#8350
OK, I don't want to delay this release (imho we should release pacman more frequently <- but then we should do a message freeze between two major versions to help to our translators), but I think we should release 3.1.1 soon to fix these. Or to be precise, these are libalpm (libdownload?) issues, but in AL we have no separate libalpm package.
I think we can get this into 3.1 without a problem, IF we can exactly lay out the problem. From your other email, it looks like we should have a sequence of patches that do the following: 1. Add an --asexplicit option 2. First, determine a REASON policy for things such as installs, upgrades, and syncs including pulling in deps. Second, make a patch that implements this (and has comments in the code and commit msg!) 3. Implement HoldPkg reason (value of 2)? If they aren't already, these should become constants/enums in the code since we now have more than two possibilities. So, in short Nagy- pick what you want to do above and help us get this done. Also, let me know what Aaron or I need to do to help you. -Dan