On Fri, 11 May 2007 15:21:52 +0200, Georg Grabler wrote
I've seen today building a package that the "noemptydirs" option will be dropped off makepkg for using !emptydirs within the next version of makepkg.
Well, i've made use quite a lot of this, so when will be the next version? I'd need about a weekend for all the packages using it, do i have a weekend for this?
Not a direct answer to your question, since I'm not entirely sure when "the next" makepkg is planned, but have you tried: find -name PKGBUILD -exec grep "noemptydirs" {} \; in whatever root directory you store your PKGBUILDs off? If all that shows is the options= lines, then you should be able to fix all your packages in one swipe with something like: find -name PKGBUILD -exec sed -i "s/noemptydirs/\!emptydirs/g" {} \; -- Travis