On Dec 7, 2007 10:47 AM, Allan McRae <allan.mcrae@qimr.edu.au> wrote:
Hi all,
Below is a patch that tries to improve the handling of changelog dumping. Now changelogs should also get dumped when using "pacman -Qcp <file>" syntax as well as "pacman -Qc <pkg>" (See http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/7321)
This is my first patch to the pacman/libalpm code base so it probably needs lots of checking. I stared at the code for a couple of hours before I started but I am probably using some libalpm functions wrongly. I would pay particular attention to the entirely new "alpm_pkg_get_changelog" function in libalpm/package.c.
The code builds cleanly but I can't test much more than that at the moment due to my testing box having what I think is RAM issues leaving me only my work laptop...
Thanks a lot. I will look this over tonight, but I don't see anything that would cause drastic breakage. I do wonder why we never had a pkg_get_changelog() /me shrugs Thanks for the patch, it's good for the motivation when new people come on board.