On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:40:30AM -0500, Dan McGee <dpmcgee@gmail.com> wrote:
You do realize this is the *exact* same thing as running as root, which is what this option was meant to notify you about and scare you away from?
actually running makepkg as root would be something reasonable in case makepkg would support building in chroot (like pacman-g2's makepkg does). in that case the flow would be: su/sudo -> chroot -> drop privileges -> fakeroot but as long as this is not the case, running makepkg as root or _any other valuable user_ makes no sense. i think this is a point many makepkg user miss: for example if the buildscript has 'rm -rf ~' in build(), then it's possible that the problem will be bigger if you run it as your own user! to sum up: we encourage users to run makepkg as root, because this way it can drop privileges as a separate user where makepkg can't do anything problematic. maybe this is something worth porting from pacman-g2, it's your decision.