2006. 10. 12, csütörtök keltezéssel 16.45-kor Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino ezt írta:
I'm not (yet :) a good C programmer, so it's just a hint, and I don't know if it's easily implementable in pacman, but sometimes there is software that works even without another one, but having this installed let you perform other functions (probably this sentence is bad written, hope you all know what an "optionale dependency" is ;) . As you know there is no way in pacman to handle this kind of dependency except writing a warning message in the .install . I think would be useful to have (at least) an array where to put this type of deps. Am I just a fool?
You think something like debian did no ? There is some "suggested packages" and such foos as i see in newer versions. Those are not installed by default just printed out into screen. And then user knows that some pack maybe can use those 'suggested' packages. But i dont realize too much package which this feature will be usefull. Only few. :( Regards Christian Hamar alias krix Hungary Frugalware Development Team