On Jan 23, 2008 3:42 PM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
2008/1/23, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com>:
I'm just going to poke this thread here. With a bug reference: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/3244
I think this is totally feasible. Guys?
Wow, I've totally forgot about this. What can I say?.. Apply it and let us test how cool it is. :-D
I'm going to be the hardass here and first ask which patch we are considering above. The global variables thing worries me a bit. I feel like the advantages of having it in a second file, which is copied directly to the package, outweighs the benefits. Notice that with the above method, zero comments are copied over as well. This could confuse people. I already mentioned the global variables thing as a drawback, in addition to using subfunctions (see the pacman.install file). It isn't that these couldn't be solved by simply sticking with an external install file, but the confusion of educating users then comes into play. "Hey, you can put install functions in your PKGBUILD, but ONLY if they don't use variables, you don't mind missing comments, you don't try to actually use subfunctions to clean up the code...". Maybe I'm just being a stickler here, but it seems like what we have now works quite well, at the expense of needing one extra file. It also *clearly* seperates build-time operations from install-time ones, which I can see being quite confusing to first-time PKGBUILD writers. -Dan